
Using CalculateAPY class to calculate APY (Annual Percentage Yield)

Annual percentage yield is a normalized representation of an interest rate,

based on a compounding period of one year. APY figures allow a reasonable, single-point comparison of different offerings with varying compounding schedules.

We have 2 ways to calculate APY

The first with Compound. You can use these below methods

1. CalculateAPY.calculateAPYInDaysWithCompound(double moneySaving, double interestRate, int dayNumber)

You can calculate APY in DAYs with Compound by this function.

moneySaving is the origin money you deposit

interestRate as the APY

dayNumber is the number of day you will deposit

E.g. You will deposit 2000$ in 14 days with 10% interest APY

moneySaving = 2000$

interestRate = 10%

dayNumber = 14

2. CalculateAPY.calculateAPYInMonthWithCompound(double moneySaving, double interestRate, int monthNumber)

Like the 1 function you can calculate APY in MONTHs with Compound by this function.

And the other without Compound. You can use these below methods

3. CalculateAPY.calculateAPYPerYear(double moneySaving, double interestRate)

Like the 1 function you can calculate APY per YEAR without Compound by this function.

4. CalculateAPY.calculateAPYPerMonth(double moneySaving, double interestRate)

Like the 1 function you can calculate APY per MONTH without Compound by this function.

5. CalculateAPY.calculateAPYPerDay(double moneySaving, double interestRate)

Like the 1 function you can calculate APY per DAY without Compound by this function.

