request method

Future<String> request(
  1. String url, {
  2. Map<String, dynamic>? body,
  3. String? charset,
  4. Duration? duration,
  5. String? method,
  6. bool reacquire = false,

Use to acquire data from network or the cached file.

Allowed method is one of GET, POST. If method is null, the default method is GET.

If duration is null, the file will last forever, or will be reacquired while duration from file created to now is greater than duration specified in the param.


Future<String> request(
  String url, {
  Map<String, dynamic>? body,
  String? charset,
  Duration? duration,
  String? method,
  bool reacquire = false,
}) async {
  timeout ??= const Duration(seconds: 10);
  final valid = await _valid(url, duration: duration);
  if (!valid || reacquire) {
    final data = await _request(
      body: body,
      charset: charset,
      method: method,
      url: url,
    await _cache(url, data);
    return data;
  } else {
    final file = await _generate(url);
    return file.readAsString();