MaterialColors class
A class containing predefined material colors.
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.
- aliceBlue → const Color
- A light shade of aliceBlue, resembling aliceBlue.
- antiqueWhite → const Color
- A light shade of antiqueWhite, resembling antiqueWhite.
- aqua → const Color
- A light shade of aqua, resembling aqua.
- aquamarine → const Color
- A light shade of aquamarine, resembling aquamarine.
- azure → const Color
- A light shade of azure, resembling azure.
- beige → const Color
- A light shade of beige, resembling beige.
- bisque → const Color
- A light shade of bisque, resembling bisque.
- black → const Color
- A light shade of black, resembling black.
- blanchedAlmond → const Color
- A light shade of blanchedAlmond, resembling blanchedAlmond.
- blue → const Color
- A light shade of blue, resembling blue.
- blueViolet → const Color
- A light shade of blueViolet, resembling blueViolet.
- brown → const Color
- A light shade of brown, resembling brown.
- burlyWood → const Color
- A light shade of burlyWood, resembling burlyWood.
- cadetBlue → const Color
- A light shade of cadetBlue, resembling cadetBlue.
- chartreuse → const Color
- A light shade of chartreuse, resembling chartreuse.
- chocolate → const Color
- A light shade of chocolate, resembling chocolate.
- coral → const Color
- A light shade of coral, resembling coral.
- cornflowerBlue → const Color
- A light shade of cornflowerBlue, resembling cornflowerBlue.
- cornSilk → const Color
- A light shade of cornSilk, resembling cornSilk.
- cream → const Color
- A pale cream, with a touch of warmth.
- crimson → const Color
- A light shade of crimson, resembling crimson.
- cyan → const Color
- A light shade of cyan, resembling cyan.
- darkBlue → const Color
- A light shade of darkBlue, resembling darkBlue.
- darkCyan → const Color
- A light shade of darkCyan, resembling darkCyan.
- darkGoldenrod → const Color
- A light shade of darkGoldenrod, resembling darkGoldenrod.
- darkGray → const Color
- A light shade of darkGray, resembling darkGray.
- darkGreen → const Color
- A light shade of darkGreen, resembling darkGreen.
- darkKhaki → const Color
- A light shade of darkKhaki, resembling darkKhaki.
- darkMagenta → const Color
- A light shade of darkMagenta, resembling darkMagenta.
- darkOliveGreen → const Color
- A light shade of darkOliveGreen, resembling darkOliveGreen.
- darkOrange → const Color
- A light shade of darkOrange, resembling darkOrange.
- darkOrchid → const Color
- A light shade of darkOrchid, resembling darkOrchid.
- darkRed → const Color
- A light shade of darkRed, resembling darkRed.
- darkSalmon → const Color
- A light shade of darkSalmon, resembling darkSalmon.
- darkSeaGreen → const Color
- A light shade of darkSeaGreen, resembling darkSeaGreen.
- darkSlateBlue → const Color
- A light shade of darkSlateBlue, resembling darkSlateBlue.
- darkSlateGray → const Color
- A light shade of darkSlateBlue, resembling darkSlateBlue.
- darkTurquoise → const Color
- A light shade of darkTurquoise, resembling darkTurquoise.
- darkViolet → const Color
- A light shade of darkViolet, resembling darkViolet.
- darkYellow → const Color
- A light shade of yellow, resembling yellow.
- deepPink → const Color
- A light shade of deepPink, resembling deepPink.
- deepSkyBlue → const Color
- A light shade of deepSkyBlue, resembling deepSkyBlue.
- dimGray → const Color
- A light shade of dimGray, resembling dimGray.
- dodgerBlue → const Color
- A light shade of dodgerBlue, resembling dodgerBlue.
- fireBrick → const Color
- A light shade of fireBrick, resembling fireBrick.
- floralWhite → const Color
- A light shade of floralWhite, resembling floralWhite.
- forestGreen → const Color
- A light shade of forestGreen, resembling forestGreen.
- fuchsia → const Color
- A light shade of fuchsia, resembling fuchsia.
- gainSboro → const Color
- A light shade of gainSboro, resembling gainSboro.
- ghostWhite → const Color
- A light shade of ghostWhite, resembling ghostWhite.
- gold → const Color
- A light shade of gold, resembling gold.
- goldenrod → const Color
- A light shade of goldenrod, resembling goldenrod.
- goldenYellow → const Color
- A light shade of yellow, resembling yellow.
- gray → const Color
- A light shade of gray, resembling gray.
- green → const Color
- A light shade of green, resembling green.
- greenYellow → const Color
- A light shade of greenYellow, resembling greenYellow.
- honeydew → const Color
- A light shade of honeydew, resembling honeydew.
- hotPink → const Color
- A light shade of hotPink, resembling hotPink.
- indianRed → const Color
- A light shade of indianRed, resembling indianRed.
- indigo → const Color
- A light shade of indigo, resembling indigo.
- ivory → const Color
- A light shade of ivory, resembling ivory.
- khaki → const Color
- A light shade of khaki, resembling khaki.
- lavender → const Color
- A light shade of lavender, resembling lavender.
- lavenderBlush → const Color
- A light shade of lavenderBlush, resembling lavenderBlush.
- lawnGreen → const Color
- A light shade of lawnGreen, resembling lawnGreen.
- lemonChiffon → const Color
- A light shade of lemonChiffon, resembling lemonChiffon.
- lemonYellow → const Color
- A light shade of yellow, resembling yellow.
- lightBeige → const Color
- A light beige color.
- lightBlue → const Color
- A light shade of lightBlue, resembling lightBlue.
- lightBlueWhite → const Color
- A very pale blue, with a slight tint.
- lightCoral → const Color
- A light shade of lightCoral, resembling lightCoral.
- lightCyan → const Color
- A light shade of lightCyan, resembling lightCyan.
- lightGoldenrodYellow → const Color
- A light shade of lightGoldenrodYellow, resembling lightGoldenrodYellow.
- lightGray → const Color
- A soft gray, slightly darker than off-white.
- lightGreen → const Color
- A light shade of lightGreen, resembling lightGreen.
- lightGrey → const Color
- A light shade of lightGrey, resembling lightGrey.
- lightPink → const Color
- A light shade of lightPink, resembling lightPink.
- lightPinkWhite → const Color
- A soft pinkish-white.
- lightSalmon → const Color
- A light shade of lightSalmon, resembling lightSalmon.
- lightSeaGreen → const Color
- A light shade of lightSeaGreen, resembling lightSeaGreen.
- lightSkyBlue → const Color
- A light shade of lightSkyBlue, resembling lightSkyBlue.
- lightSlateGray → const Color
- A light shade of lightSlateGray, resembling lightSlateGray.
- lightSteelBlue → const Color
- A light shade of lightSteelBlue, resembling lightSteelBlue.
- lightYellow → const Color
- A light shade of lightYellow, resembling lightYellow.
- lime → const Color
- A light shade of lime, resembling lime.
- limeGreen → const Color
- A light shade of limeGreen, resembling limeGreen.
- linen → const Color
- A light shade of linen, resembling linen.
- magenta → const Color
- A light shade of magenta, resembling magenta.
- maroon → const Color
- A light shade of maroon, resembling maroon.
- mediumAquamarine → const Color
- A light shade of mediumAquamarine, resembling mediumAquamarine.
- mediumBlue → const Color
- A light shade of mediumBlue, resembling mediumBlue.
- mediumOrchid → const Color
- A light shade of mediumOrchid, resembling mediumOrchid.
- mediumPurple → const Color
- A light shade of mediumPurple, resembling mediumPurple.
- mediumSeaGreen → const Color
- A light shade of mediumSeaGreen, resembling mediumSeaGreen.
- mediumSlateBlue → const Color
- A light shade of mediumSlateBlue, resembling mediumSlateBlue.
- mediumSpringGreen → const Color
- A light shade of mediumSpringGreen, resembling mediumSpringGreen.
- mediumTurquoise → const Color
- A light shade of mediumTurquoise, resembling mediumTurquoise.
- mediumVioletRed → const Color
- A light shade of mediumVioletRed, resembling mediumVioletRed.
- midnightBlue → const Color
- A light shade of midnightBlue, resembling midnightBlue.
- mintCream → const Color
- A light shade of mintCream, resembling mintCream.
- mistyRose → const Color
- A light shade of mistyRose, resembling mistyRose.
- moccasin → const Color
- A light shade of moccasin, resembling moccasin.
- mustardYellow → const Color
- A light shade of yellow, resembling yellow.
- A light shade of navajoWhite, resembling navajoWhite.
- A light shade of navy, resembling navy.
- offWhite → const Color
- A very light gray, almost white.
- oldLace → const Color
- A light shade of oldLace, resembling oldLace.
- olive → const Color
- A light shade of olive, resembling olive.
- oliveDrab → const Color
- A light shade of oliveDrab, resembling oliveDrab.
- orange → const Color
- A light shade of orange, resembling orange.
- orangeRed → const Color
- A light shade of orangeRed, resembling orangeRed.
- orchid → const Color
- A light shade of orchid, resembling orchid.
- paleGoldenrod → const Color
- A light shade of paleGoldenrod, resembling paleGoldenrod.
- paleGreen → const Color
- A light shade of paleGreen, resembling paleGreen.
- paleTurquoise → const Color
- A light shade of paleTurquoise, resembling paleTurquoise.
- paleVioletRed → const Color
- A light shade of paleVioletRed, resembling paleVioletRed.
- papayaWhip → const Color
- A light shade of papayaWhip, resembling papayaWhip.
- pastelYellow → const Color
- A light shade of yellow, resembling yellow.
- peachPuff → const Color
- A light shade of peachPuff, resembling peachPuff.
- peru → const Color
- A light shade of peru, resembling peru.
- pink → const Color
- A light shade of pink, resembling pink.
- plum → const Color
- A light shade of plum, resembling plum.
- powderBlue → const Color
- A light shade of powderBlue, resembling powderBlue.
- purple → const Color
- A light shade of purple, resembling purple.
- red → const Color
- A light shade of red, resembling red.
- rosyBrown → const Color
- A light shade of rosyBrown, resembling rosyBrown.
- royalBlue → const Color
- A light shade of royalBlue, resembling royalBlue.
- saddleBrown → const Color
- A light shade of saddleBrown, resembling saddleBrown.
- salmon → const Color
- A light shade of salmon, resembling salmon.
- sandyBrown → const Color
- A light shade of sandyBrown, resembling sandyBrown.
- seaGreen → const Color
- A light shade of seaGreen, resembling seaGreen.
- seashell → const Color
- A light shade of seashell, resembling seashell.
- sienna → const Color
- A light shade of sienna, resembling sienna.
- silver → const Color
- A light shade of silver, resembling silver.
- skyBlue → const Color
- A light shade of skyBlue, resembling skyBlue.
- slateBlue → const Color
- A light shade of slateBlue, resembling slateBlue.
- slateGray → const Color
- A light shade of slateGray, resembling slateGray.
- snow → const Color
- A light shade of snow, resembling snow.
- springGreen → const Color
- A light shade of springGreen, resembling springGreen.
- steelBlue → const Color
- A light shade of steelBlue, resembling steelBlue.
- tan → const Color
- A light shade of tan, resembling tan.
- teal → const Color
- A light shade of teal, resembling teal.
- thistle → const Color
- A light shade of thistle, resembling thistle.
- tomato → const Color
- A light shade of tomato, resembling tomato.
- turquoise → const Color
- A light shade of turquoise, resembling turquoise.
- violet → const Color
- A light shade of violet, resembling violet.
- wheat → const Color
- A light shade of wheat, resembling wheat.
- white → const Color
- A light shade of white, resembling white.
- whiteSmoke → const Color
- A light shade of whiteSmoke, resembling whiteSmoke.
- yellow → const Color
- A light shade of yellow, resembling yellow.
- yellowGreen → const Color
- A light shade of yellowGreen, resembling yellowGreen.