mnemonic2Seed method

Bip39 mnemonic2Seed([
  1. String? passphrase

Convert a mnemonic to a seed. Does not check for validity of the mnemonic - for that, you should manually run check() first.


Bip39 mnemonic2Seed([String? passphrase]) {
  passphrase = passphrase ?? '';
  var mnemonic = this.mnemonic!;
  if (!this.check()) {
    throw ('Mnemonic does not pass the check - was the mnemonic typed incorrectly? Are there extra spaces?');
  // if (typeof passphrase != 'string') {
  //   throw ('passphrase must be a string or undefined')
  // }

  mnemonic = unorm.nfkd(mnemonic);
  passphrase = unorm.nfkd(passphrase);
  var mbuf = Uint8List.fromList(utf8.encode(mnemonic));
  var pbuf = Uint8List.fromList([
  // this.seed = pbkdf2.pbkdf2Sync(mbuf, pbuf, 2048, 64, 'sha512')

  // final hmacSha512 = HMac(SHA512Digest(), 2048)..init(KeyParameter(mbuf));
  // final derivator = PBKDF2KeyDerivator(hmacSha512);
  final derivator = KeyDerivator('SHA-512/HMAC/PBKDF2')
    ..init(Pbkdf2Parameters(pbuf, 2048, 64));

  // KeyDerivator('SHA-512/HMAC/PBKDF2')
  //   ..init(Pbkdf2Parameters(mbuf, 2048, 64))
  //   ..process(pbuf);

  // this.seed = derivator.process(pbuf);
  this.seed = derivator.process(mbuf);

  return this;