applyPolicyToQuery method

  1. @override
Query? applyPolicyToQuery(
  1. Query? query, {
  2. OfflineFirstDeletePolicy? delete,
  3. OfflineFirstGetPolicy? get,
  4. OfflineFirstUpsertPolicy? upsert,

As some remote provider's may utilize an OfflineFirstPolicy from the request, this composes the policy to the query (such as in the providerArgs).


Query? applyPolicyToQuery(
  Query? query, {
  OfflineFirstDeletePolicy? delete,
  OfflineFirstGetPolicy? get,
  OfflineFirstUpsertPolicy? upsert,
}) {
  // The header value must be stringified because of how `http.Client` accepts the `headers` Map
  final headerValue = delete?.toString().split('.').last ??
      get?.toString().split('.').last ??
  return query?.copyWith(providerArgs: {
    'headers': {
      // This header is removed by the [RestOfflineQueueClient]
      if (headerValue != null) RestOfflineQueueClient.policyHeader: headerValue,
      ...?query.providerArgs['headers'] as Map<String, String>?,