brazil library

Function-oriented library for generating, validating and formatting Brazilian values such as CPF and CNPJ.


brazilianStates → const Map<String, String>
Map with all brazilian states. The key is the acronym and the value the name.


formatCnpj(String cnpj) String
Format a brazilian CNPJ string.
formatCpf(String cpf) String
Format a brazilian CPF string.
generateCnpj({bool isFormatted = true}) String
Generate a valid brazilian CNPJ.
generateCnpjVerificationDigit(String input) String
Generate one of the verification digits of a CNPJ. The verification digit is generated based on the length of the input.
generateCpf({bool isFormatted = true}) String
Generate a valid brazilian CPF.
generateCpfVerificationDigit(String input) String
Generate one of the verification digits of a CPF. The verification digit is generated based on the length of the input.
getCepData(String cep) Future<ViaCepData>
Returns a model containing CEP data from the ViaCEP Webservice. Throws a ViaCepException if the CEP or response is not valid.
validateCnpj(String input) bool
Verify if a brazilian CNPJ is valid.
validateCpf(String input) bool
Verify if a brazilian CPF is valid.