bmpf_py A bopomofo and pinyin library
- It handles parsing of Bopomofo (注音符號) and Hanyu Pinyin (漢語拼音), two of the most popular phonetic notations of modern standard Mandarin;
- It supports parsing of Pinyin written with tone mark diacritics.
- It recognizes ascii pinyin in which tones are represented with trailing numbers and the letter 'v' is used as the replacement of the less accessible 'ü';
- It supports mutual conversion between Bopomofo and Pinyin;
- It supports mutual conversion between the ascii pinyin and the standard form, which is toned with marks;
- It's lightweight and efficient both cpu- and memory-wise'
- It stands alone having no dependency;
- It's thoroughly tested;
- It's easy to use. It consists of only a single class, provided with simple and intuitive properties and methods.
- It only handles pinyin in lower case;
bmpf_py 專注注音拼音處理
- 對「注音符號」和「漢語拼音」進行綴字分析,識別音節(含聲調),生成音節對象(BpSyllable)
- 支持非標準 ASCII 拼音(以 v 代 ü,以數字標調)
- 實現注音、拼音、ASCII 拼音兩兩相互轉換
- 輕量、高效
- 無外部依賴
- 充分測試
- 簡潔易用。只包括一個class,並配備直觀應手的 props 和 methods
- 只支持小寫拼音
Usage · 用法
import 'package:bpmf_py/bpmf_py.dart';
import 'package:bpmf_py/bpmf_codes.dart';
void main() {
//You can create a mandarin syllable directly with the contructor.
const shuai4 = BpmfSyllable($sh, $u, $ai, 4);
print(shuai4); //outputs: ㄕㄨㄞˋ
// `$sh, $u, $ai` are just integer charCode, cuz dart doesn't have a char type
// we have to use integers, bpmf_codes defined the full set of characters used
// by bopomofo and pinyin:
// lower case ones represent bopomofo symbols - eg. $eng for 'ㄥ'
// upper case ones represent vanilla latin letters - eg. $Z for 'z'
// $1 - $5 are bopomofo tonemarks
var txt = '\t ㄎㄨㄟˋ ㄖㄣˊ';
//Parse bopomofo
var (syl, pos) = BpmfSyllable.parseBopomofo('\t ㄎㄨㄟˋ ㄖㄣˊ');
//It skips spaces and returns the first recognized syllable and the
//new position of the letter immediately after the syllable
print(syl); //outputs: 'ㄎㄨㄟˋ'
//Continue to parse the next syllable
(syl, pos) = BpmfSyllable.parseBopomofo(txt, pos: pos);
print(syl); //outputs: 'ㄖㄣˊ'
//If you don't care about the continuous parsing you can simply use the factory
//method, ignore the position.
syl = BpmfSyllable.fromBopomofo(txt);
print("'$syl' again!"); //outputs: 'ㄎㄨㄟˋ' again!
//parsing pinyin and ascii pinyin are similar:
txt = 'ráo';
syl = BpmfSyllable.fromPinyin(txt);
print(syl.pinyin); //outputs:'ráo'
txt = 'lve4';
syl = BpmfSyllable.fromAsciiPinyin(txt);
print(syl.pinyin); //outputs:'lüè'
//try BpmfSyllable.parsePinyin and BpmfSyllable.parseAsciiPinyin yourself!
//The syllable object is equatable and comparable
syl = BpmfSyllable($r, $u, $ang, 3); // a fabricated sound
final syl2 = BpmfSyllable.fromAsciiPinyin('ruang3');
assert(syl == syl2);
final syllables = ['zhuan4', 'an3', 'an1', 'bo2', 'qi3']
syllables.sort((a, b) => a.compareTo(b));
print( => x.asciiPinyin)); //out: (bo2, qi3, zhuan4, an1, an3)
//The order conforms to the order of bopomofo: b p ... i u ü
//For you convenience the following helper functions are also provided:
print(pinyinToAsciiPinyin('ráo')); //outputs: rao2
print(asciiPinyinToPinyin('rao2')); //outputs: ráo
print(bopomofoToPinyin('ㄑㄩㄥ')); //outputs: 'qiōng'
print(pinyinToBopomofo('qiōng')); //outputs: 'ㄑㄩㄥ
print(asciiPinyinToBopomofo('qiong1')); //outputs: 'ㄑㄩㄥ
print(bopomofoToAsciiPinyin('ㄑㄩㄥ')); //outputs: 'qiong1