Time.fromBytes constructor

  1. List<int> bytes, {
  2. bool allowParseString = true,

Parses bytes to Time. See toBytes32 and toBytes64.


factory Time.fromBytes(List<int> bytes, {bool allowParseString = true}) {
  var length = bytes.length;

  if (length == 4) {
    var milliseconds = bytes.asUint8List.getInt32(0);
    if (milliseconds >= 0) {
      var time = Time.fromMilliseconds(milliseconds);
      return time;
  // Postgres encoding:
  else if (length == 7 && !_bytesInStringFormat(bytes)) {
    bytes = [...bytes, 0];
    length = bytes.length;

  if (length >= 8 && !_bytesInStringFormat(bytes)) {
    var microseconds = bytes.asUint8List.getInt64();
    if (microseconds >= 0) {
      var time = Time.fromMicroseconds(microseconds);
      return time;
  } else if (allowParseString) {
    try {
      var s = String.fromCharCodes(bytes);
      return Time.parse(s, allowFromBytes: false);
    } catch (_) {
      throw FormatException(
          'Invalid bytes or string format: ${bytes.runtimeTypeNameUnsafe}:${bytes.toList()}');

  throw FormatException(
      'Invalid bytes format: ${bytes.runtimeTypeNameUnsafe}:${bytes.toList()}');