body_part_selector library
A simple and beautiful selector for body parts.
- BodyParts
- A class representing the different parts of the body that can be selected, and whether they are.
- BodyPartSelector
- A widget that allows for selecting body parts.
- BodyPartSelectorTurnable
- A widget that allows for selecting body parts on a turnable body.
- RotationStage
- A widget that allows for rotating a widget with four sides in pseudo-3D, with a bar of handles for switching between the sides.
- RotationStageBar
- A bar that displays the handles for the RotationStage.
- RotationStageContent
- A widget that displays the content of the RotationStage and applies the visual transformations to the sides when roataing the stage.
- RotationStageController
- A controller for the RotationStage.
- RotationStageHandle
- A handle for the RotationStage that represents one side of the stage.
- RotationStageLabelData
- Holds the labels for each RotationStageSide.
- RotationStageLabels
- An InheritedWidget that holds the RotationStageLabelData for the RotationStage and provides them to the widgets below it in the widget tree.
- BodySide
- Represents the side from which the body is viewed.
- RotationStageSide
- Represents one of the four sides of the RotationStage.
- kInfiniteScrollStartPage → const int
- A workaround to achieve pseudo-infinite scroll with a default Flutter PageController.
- RotationStageBuilder = Widget Function(int index, RotationStageSide side, double currentPage)
- The builder function for one side of the RotationStage.