bluetooth_low_energy_platform_interface library
A common platform interface for the bluetooth_low_energy
This interface allows platform-specific implementations of the bluetooth_low_energy
plugin, as well as the plugin itself, to ensure they are supporting the
same interface.
- Advertisement
- The advertisement of the peripheral.
- BluetoothLowEnergyManager
- The abstract base class that manages central and peripheral objects.
- BluetoothLowEnergyPeer
- An object that represents a remote device.
- BluetoothLowEnergyStateChangedEventArgs
- The bluetooth low energy state changed event arguments.
- Central
- A remote device connected to a local app, which is acting as a peripheral.
- CentralConnectionStateChangedEventArgs
- The central connection state cahnged event arguments.
- CentralManager
- An object that scans for, discovers, connects to, and manages peripherals.
- CentralMTUChangedEventArgs
- The central MTU changed event arguments.
- DiscoveredEventArgs
- The discovered event arguments.
- EventArgs
- The base event arguments.
- GATTAttribute
- A representation of common aspects of services offered by a peripheral.
- GATTCharacteristic
- A characteristic of a remote peripheral’s service.
- GATTCharacteristicNotifiedEventArgs
- The GATT characteristic notified event arguments.
- GATTCharacteristicNotifyStateChangedEventArgs
- The GATT characteristic notify state changed event arguments.
- GATTCharacteristicReadRequestedEventArgs
- The GATT characteristic read requested event arguments.
- GATTCharacteristicWriteRequestedEventArgs
- The GATT characteristic write requested event arguments.
- GATTDescriptor
- An object that provides further information about a remote peripheral’s characteristic.
- GATTDescriptorReadRequestedEventArgs
- The GATT descriptor read requested event arguments.
- GATTDescriptorWriteRequestedEventArgs
- The GATT descriptor write requested event arguments.
- GATTReadRequest
- A read request that uses the Attribute Protocol (ATT).
- GATTService
- A collection of data and associated behaviors that accomplish a function or feature of a device.
- GATTWriteRequest
- A write request that uses the Attribute Protocol (ATT).
- ImmutableGATTCharacteristic
- An immutable characteristic of a local peripheral’s service.
- ImmutableGATTDescriptor
- An object that provides additional information about a local peripheral’s characteristic.
- ManufacturerSpecificData
- The manufacturer specific data of the peripheral
- MutableGATTCharacteristic
- A mutable characteristic of a local peripheral’s service.
- MutableGATTDescriptor
- An object that provides additional information about a local peripheral’s characteristic.
- Peripheral
- A remote peripheral device.
- PeripheralConnectionStateChangedEventArgs
- The peripheral connection state cahnged event arguments.
- PeripheralManager
- An object that manages and advertises peripheral services exposed by this app.
- PeripheralMTUChangedEventArgs
- The peripheral MTU changed event arguments.
- PlatformBluetoothLowEnergyManager
- The abstract base channel class that manages central and peripheral objects.
- PlatformCentralManager
- Platform-specific implementations should implement this class to support PlatformCentralManager.
- PlatformPeripheralManager
- Platform-specific implementations should implement this class to support PlatformPeripheralManager.
- 128 bit universally unique identifier used in Bluetooth.
- BluetoothLowEnergyState
- The state of the bluetooth low energy.
- ConnectionState
- The connection state of a remote device.
- GATTCharacteristicPermission
- Values that represent the read, write, and encryption permissions for a characteristic’s value.
- GATTCharacteristicProperty
- Values that represent the possible properties of a characteristic.
- GATTCharacteristicWriteType
- Values representing the possible write types to a characteristic’s value.
- GATTError
- The possible errors returned by a GATT server (a remote peripheral) during Bluetooth low energy ATT transactions.