GATTError enum
The possible errors returned by a GATT server (a remote peripheral) during Bluetooth low energy ATT transactions.
- invalidHandle → const GATTError
The attribute handle is invalid on this peripheral.
- readNotPermitted → const GATTError
The permissions prohibit reading the attribute’s value.
- writeNotPermitted → const GATTError
The permissions prohibit writing the attribute’s value.
- invalidPDU → const GATTError
The attribute Protocol Data Unit (PDU) is invalid.
- insufficientAuthentication → const GATTError
Reading or writing the attribute’s value failed for lack of authentication.
- requestNotSupported → const GATTError
The attribute server doesn’t support the request received from the client.
- invalidOffset → const GATTError
The specified offset value was past the end of the attribute’s value.
- insufficientAuthorization → const GATTError
Reading or writing the attribute’s value failed for lack of authorization.
- prepareQueueFull → const GATTError
The prepare queue is full, as a result of there being too many write requests in the queue.
- attributeNotFound → const GATTError
The attribute wasn’t found within the specified attribute handle range.
- attributeNotLong → const GATTError
The ATT read blob request can’t read or write the attribute.
- insufficientEncryptionKeySize → const GATTError
The encryption key size used for encrypting this link is insufficient.
- invalidAttributeValueLength → const GATTError
The length of the attribute’s value is invalid for the intended operation.
- unlikelyError → const GATTError
The ATT request encountered an unlikely error and wasn’t completed.
- insufficientEncryption → const GATTError
Reading or writing the attribute’s value failed for lack of encryption.
- unsupportedGroupType → const GATTError
The attribute type isn’t a supported grouping attribute as defined by a higher-layer specification.
- insufficientResources → const GATTError
Resources are insufficient to complete the ATT request.
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.