
Business Logic Process

Reimagination of BLOC architecture with main goal to decrease code size and add ability to detect while complicated process is end.


add to pubspec.yaml

    blop: any

    blop_generator: any


For create processor just extends SimpleBlop<State> or Blop<Event,State> if you need the ability to extend event. All method calls add to queue and process in it's order like event in bloc All methods return Future<State>

Ex. we can define processor to control user state

class UserProcessor extends SimpleBlop<UserModel>{
    // method can has name
    @BlopProcess(name: "logout")
    UserModel exit() => UserModel.unauthorized();

    // if name is not specified that get from function name without first underscore
    Stream<UserModel> _login(String phone,String pass) async * {
        yield UserModel.unauthorized(); // remove old user data
        // fetch data from network
        yield UserNetwork.login(phone,pass);

// ... somewhere in code
// this code await method. If error hapens it's throw that error
final user = await<UserProcessor>().login('phone','pass');

TODO add to readme

  • x basic usage
  • Event transform
  • Method complete strategy
    • cancel with data
    • cancel with error
    • cancel on close
  • Method different return types
  • Await method
  • mapEventToState override (based on remote_value)