FancyColor extension



contrastColor Color

Available on Color, provided by the FancyColor extension

A pure Color contrasting with this one (i.e., or Colors.white), depending on the estimatedBrightness.
no setter
contrastSystemUiOverlayStyle SystemUiOverlayStyle

Available on Color, provided by the FancyColor extension

The SystemUiOverlayStyle providing the most contrast on this color.
no setter
estimatedBrightness Brightness

Available on Color, provided by the FancyColor extension

Returns the estimated Brightness of this color based on its luminance.
no setter
hsl HSLColor

Available on Color, provided by the FancyColor extension

Shortcut for HSLColor.fromColor(color).
no setter
hsv HSVColor

Available on Color, provided by the FancyColor extension

Shortcut for HSVColor.fromColor(color).
no setter
isDark bool

Available on Color, provided by the FancyColor extension

true if the estimatedBrightness is Brightness.dark, false otherwise.
no setter
isLight bool

Available on Color, provided by the FancyColor extension

true if the estimatedBrightness is Brightness.light, false otherwise.
no setter
isOpaque bool

Available on Color, provided by the FancyColor extension

true if this color is fully opaque, i.e. has an opacity of 1.0.
no setter


alphaBlendOn(Color background) Color

Available on Color, provided by the FancyColor extension

Shortcut for Color.alphaBlend(color, background).
withAdditionalAlpha(int alpha) Color

Available on Color, provided by the FancyColor extension

Apply alpha in addition to the existing alpha by multiplying them.
withAdditionalOpacity(double opacity) Color

Available on Color, provided by the FancyColor extension

Apply opacity in addition to the existing opacity by multiplying them.