FancyBrightness extension



color Color

Available on Brightness, provided by the FancyBrightness extension

The Color representing this Brightness:
no setter
contrastColor Color

Available on Brightness, provided by the FancyBrightness extension

The Color contrasting this Brightness:
no setter
contrastSystemUiOverlayStyle SystemUiOverlayStyle

Available on Brightness, provided by the FancyBrightness extension

The SystemUiOverlayStyle providing the most contrast on this brightness.
no setter
isDark bool

Available on Brightness, provided by the FancyBrightness extension

true for Brightness.dark, false otherwise.
no setter
isLight bool

Available on Brightness, provided by the FancyBrightness extension

true for Brightness.light, false otherwise.
no setter
opposite Brightness

Available on Brightness, provided by the FancyBrightness extension

The opposite Brightness — light becomes dark and vice versa.
no setter