write method

void write(
  1. int input, {
  2. int bytes = 0,
  3. int bits = 0,

Writes an int to the stream of length bytes and bits


void write(int input, {int bytes = 0, int bits = 0}) {
  var len = (bytes * 8) + bits;
  var all = pow(2, len).toInt() - 1;
  input = input & all;
  var thisByte = _bitLength ~/ 8;
  var thisBit = _bitLength % 8;
  while (len > 0) {
    var thisLen = min(len, 8 - thisBit);
    if (thisByte + 1 > _stream.length) {
    var shiftAmt = (8 - (thisBit + len));
    _stream[thisByte] = _stream[thisByte] |
        (shiftAmt > 0 ? (input << shiftAmt) : (input >> (0 - shiftAmt)));
    _stream[thisByte] = 255 & _stream[thisByte];
    len -= thisLen;
    _bitLength += thisLen;
    thisBit = 0;