MoveListExtension<T extends Move> extension



captures List<Move>
All moves that involve a capture.
no setter
castlingMoves List<Move>
All moves that involve castling.
no setter
gatingMoves List<Move>
All moves that involve gating.
no setter
handDropMoves List<Move>
All moves that involve a hand drop.
no setter
passMoves List<PassMove>
Moves that are a pass. Usually should only be 0 or 1 of these.
no setter
promoMoves List<Move>
All moves that involve a promotion.
no setter
quiet List<Move>
All moves that don't involve a capture.
no setter


from(int square) List<Move>
All moves from square.
to(int square) List<Move>
All moves to square.
toAlgebraic(Game g) List<String>