splitStringToParagraphs function

  1. @Deprecated('Please use BidiString.fromLogical')
List<Paragraph> splitStringToParagraphs(
  1. String logicalString

Split the text into separate paragraphs.

A paragraph separator is kept with the previous paragraph. Within each paragraph, apply all the other rules of this algorithm.



@Deprecated('Please use BidiString.fromLogical')
List<Paragraph> splitStringToParagraphs(String logicalString) {
  final paragraphs = <Paragraph>[];
  final codeUnits = logicalString.codeUnits;

  var text = <int>[];
  for (var i = 0; i < codeUnits.length; ++i) {
    final char = codeUnits[i];
    final type = getCharacterType(char);
    if (type == CharacterType.separator) {
      final paragraph = Paragraph._(text, char);
      text = [];
    } else {
  if (text.isNotEmpty) // string ended without a paragraph separator
    paragraphs.add(Paragraph._(text, _BidiChars.notAChar));
  return paragraphs;