nearestTValue method

double nearestTValue(
  1. Vector2 point, {
  2. List<Vector2>? cachedPositionLookUpTable,
  3. double stepSize = 0.1,

Returns the parameter value along the curve that is closest (in terms of geometric distance) to the given point. The approximation uses a two-pass projection test that relies on the curve's position look up table. First, the method determines the point in the look up table that is closest to point. Afterward, it checks the fine interval around that point to see if a better projection can be found.

The optional parameter cachedPositionLookUpTable allows the method to use previously calculated values for positionLookUpTable instead of repeating the calculations. The optional stepSize parameter determines how much to increment the parameter value at each iteration when searching the fine interval for the best projection. The default stepSize value of 0.1 means that the function will do around twenty iterations. Reducing the value of stepSize will increase the number of iterations.


double nearestTValue(Vector2 point,
    {List<Vector2>? cachedPositionLookUpTable, double stepSize = 0.1}) {
  final lookUpTable = cachedPositionLookUpTable ?? positionLookUpTable();

  final index = indexOfNearestPoint(lookUpTable, point);

  final maxIndex = lookUpTable.length - 1;

  if (index == 0) {
    return 0.0;
  } else if (index == maxIndex) {
    return 1.0;

  final intervalsCount = maxIndex.toDouble();
  final t1 = (index - 1) / intervalsCount;
  final t2 = (index + 1) / intervalsCount;

  final tIncrement = stepSize / intervalsCount;
  final maxT = t2 + tIncrement;

  var t = t1;
  var minSquaredDistance = double.maxFinite;
  var nearestT = t1;

  while (t < maxT) {
    final pointOnCurve = pointAt(t);
    final squaredDistance = point.distanceToSquared(pointOnCurve);

    if (squaredDistance < minSquaredDistance) {
      minSquaredDistance = squaredDistance;
      nearestT = t;

    t += tIncrement;

  return nearestT;