intersectionsWithLineSegment method

List<double> intersectionsWithLineSegment(
  1. Vector2 lineStartPoint,
  2. Vector2 lineEndPoint

Returns the List of parameter values for intersections between this and the line segment defined by lineStartPoint and lineEndPoint.


List<double> intersectionsWithLineSegment(
    Vector2 lineStartPoint, Vector2 lineEndPoint) {
  final minPoint =;
  Vector2.min(lineStartPoint, lineEndPoint, minPoint);

  final maxPoint =;
  Vector2.max(lineStartPoint, lineEndPoint, maxPoint);

  final boundingBox = Aabb2.minMax(minPoint, maxPoint);

  final roots = rootsAlongLine(points, lineStartPoint, lineEndPoint);
  roots.retainWhere((t) {
    final p = pointAt(t);
    return pointIntersectsBoundingBoxApproximately(p, boundingBox);
  final rootsSet = Set<double>.from(roots);
  final uniqueRoots = rootsSet.toList();
  return uniqueRoots;