formatKeyString static method

String formatKeyString(
  1. String key,
  2. String begin,
  3. String end, {
  4. int chunkSize = 64,
  5. String lineDelimiter = '\n',

Formats the given key by chunking the key and adding the begin and end to the key.

The line length will be defined by the given chunkSize. The default value is 64.

Each line will be delimited by the given lineDelimiter. The default value is '\n'.w


static String formatKeyString(String key, String begin, String end,
    {int chunkSize = 64, String lineDelimiter = '\n'}) {
  var sb = StringBuffer();
  var chunks = StringUtils.chunk(key, chunkSize);
  if (StringUtils.isNotNullOrEmpty(begin)) {
    sb.write(begin + lineDelimiter);
  for (var s in chunks) {
    sb.write(s + lineDelimiter);
  if (StringUtils.isNotNullOrEmpty(end)) {
    return sb.toString();
  } else {
    var tmp = sb.toString();
    return tmp.substring(0, tmp.lastIndexOf(lineDelimiter));