addCharAtPosition static method

String addCharAtPosition(
  1. String s,
  2. String char,
  3. int position, {
  4. bool repeat = false,

Add a char at a position with the given String s.

The boolean repeat defines whether to add the char at every position. If position is greater than the length of s, it will return s. If repeat is true and position is 0, it will return s.

Example : 1234567890 , '-', 3 => 123-4567890 1234567890 , '-', 3, true => 123-456-789-0


static String addCharAtPosition(String s, String char, int position,
    {bool repeat = false}) {
  if (!repeat) {
    if (s.length < position) {
      return s;
    var before = s.substring(0, position);
    var after = s.substring(position, s.length);
    return before + char + after;
  } else {
    if (position == 0) {
      return s;
    var buffer = StringBuffer();
    for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
      if (i != 0 && i % position == 0) {
    return buffer.toString();