awesome_flutter_extensions library

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DevTools on Object
DevTools extensions
DurationExt on num
Provides conversions from num to Duration
FontStyles on TextStyle
Converts in a simple way a textStyle to the desired font style.
FontWeights on TextStyle
Converts in a simple way a textStyle to the desired font weight.
FutureDuration on Duration
Convert a Duration into a Future.
IntExt on int
Int extensions
Helper extension that allows to use a navigator like: context.navigator.push(SomePage())
PaddingNum on num
Converts a num into an EdgeInsets
PlatformExt on BuildContext
Platform extensions
SeparatedIterable on Iterable<Widget>
Allows to insert a separator between the items of the iterable.
Sizes on BuildContext
Helper extension that allows to use a size like: context.sizes.width
Space on num
Converts a num into a SizedBox
StringExt on String
String extensions
TextStyles on BuildContext
Helper extension that allows to use a text style like: context.textStyles.h1
ThemeColors on BuildContext
Helper extension that allows to use a color like: context.colors.primary
ThemeModeExt on BuildContext
Theme mode extensions
Themes on BuildContext
Helper extension that allows to use a them like: context.themes.icon