setTorchModeOnWithLevel method

Future<void> setTorchModeOnWithLevel(
  1. double torchLevel

Sets the illumination level when in torch mode.

torchLevel: The new torch mode level. This value must be a floating-point number between 0.0 and 1.0. To set the torch mode level to the currently available maximum, specify the value maxAvailableTorchLevel for this parameter.

If an error occurs, this method throws a PlatformException to the with information about what happened.

This method sets the torch mode to AVCaptureTorchModeOn and sets the level to the specified value. If the device does not support this mode or if you specify a value for torchLevel that is outside the accepted range, this method raises an exception. If the torch value is within the accepted range but greater than the currently supported maximum—perhaps because the device is overheating—this method returns NO.

Before changing the value of this property, you must call lockForConfiguration to acquire exclusive access to the device’s configuration properties. Otherwise, calling this method raises an exception. When you finish configuring the device, call unlockForConfiguration to release the lock and allow other devices to configure the settings.


Future<void> setTorchModeOnWithLevel(double torchLevel) {
  return _channel.$setTorchModeOnWithLevel(this, torchLevel);