fromDynamic static method

TestStep fromDynamic(
  1. dynamic map, {
  2. bool ignoreImages = false,

Converts a JSON-like object to a TestStep. Whie this accepts a dynamic, that is because different frameworks provide different types of JSON-like objects. So long as the given map implements the [] operator, this will work. A value of null will result in null being returned and an object that does not suppor the [] operator will result in an exception being thrown.

The optional ignoreImages param instructs the steps to ignore any image attribute. This is useful if an application has a large number of tests that need to be run. By ignoring the images, a lot of memory can be saved.

This expects a JSON-like map object of the following format:

  "id": <String>,
  "image": <String; base64 encoded>,
  "values": <Map<String, dynamic>>


static TestStep fromDynamic(
  dynamic map, {
  bool ignoreImages = false,
}) {
  late TestStep result;

  if (map == null) {
    throw Exception('[TestStep.fromDynamic]: map is null');
  } else {
    result = TestStep(
      id: map['id'] ?? const Uuid().v4(),
      image: map['image'] == null || ignoreImages == true
          ? null
          : base64Decode(map['image']),
      values: map['values'] == null
          ? null
          : Map<String, dynamic>.from(map['values']),

  return result;