getMatchingAttributionsWithin method

Set<Attribution> getMatchingAttributionsWithin({
  1. required Set<Attribution> attributions,
  2. required int start,
  3. required int end,

Finds and returns all Attributions in this AttributedSpans that match any of the given attributions.

Two Attributions are said to "match" if their ids are equal.


Set<Attribution> getMatchingAttributionsWithin({
  required Set<Attribution> attributions,
  required int start,
  required int end,
}) {
  final matchingAttributions = <Attribution>{};
  for (int i = start; i <= end; ++i) {
    for (final attribution in attributions) {
      final otherAttributions = getAllAttributionsAt(i);
      for (final otherAttribution in otherAttributions) {
        if ( == {
  return matchingAttributions;