getAttributedRange method

SpanRange getAttributedRange(
  1. Set<Attribution> attributions,
  2. int offset

Returns the range about offset, which is attributed with all given attributions.

attributions must not be empty.


SpanRange getAttributedRange(Set<Attribution> attributions, int offset) {
  if (attributions.isEmpty) {
    throw Exception('getAttributedRange requires a non empty set of attributions');

  int? maxStartMarkerOffset;
  int? minEndMarkerOffset;

  for (final attribution in attributions) {
    if (!hasAttributionAt(offset, attribution: attribution)) {
      throw Exception(
          'Tried to get the attributed range of ($attribution) at offset "$offset" but the given attribution does not exist at that offset.');

    int startMarkerOffset = _getStartingMarkerAtOrBefore(offset, attribution: attribution)!.offset;
    int endMarkerOffset = _getEndingMarkerAtOrAfter(offset, attribution: attribution)!.offset;

    if (maxStartMarkerOffset == null || startMarkerOffset > maxStartMarkerOffset) {
      maxStartMarkerOffset = startMarkerOffset;

    if (minEndMarkerOffset == null || endMarkerOffset < minEndMarkerOffset) {
      minEndMarkerOffset = endMarkerOffset;

  // Note: maxStartMarkerOffset and minEndMarkerOffset are non-null because we verified
  // that all desired attributions are present at the given offset.
  return SpanRange(