expandAttributionToSpan method
Calculates and returns the full AttributionSpan, which contains the
given attribution
at the given offset
For example, imagine spans applied to text like this: "Hello, |world!|".
The text between the bars has a "bold" attribution. Invoking this method
with the "bold" attribution and an offset of 10
would return an
of "bold" from 7
to 14
AttributionSpan expandAttributionToSpan({
required Attribution attribution,
required int offset,
}) {
if (!hasAttributionAt(offset, attribution: attribution)) {
throw Exception(
'Tried to expand attribution ($attribution) at offset "$offset" but the given attribution does not exist at that offset.');
// The following methods should be guaranteed to produce non-null
// values because we already verified that the given attribution
// exists at the given offset.
SpanMarker markerBefore = _getStartingMarkerAtOrBefore(offset, attribution: attribution)!;
SpanMarker markerAfter = _getEndingMarkerAtOrAfter(markerBefore.offset, attribution: attribution)!;
return AttributionSpan(
attribution: attribution,
start: markerBefore.offset,
end: markerAfter.offset,