expandAttributionToSpan method

AttributionSpan expandAttributionToSpan({
  1. required Attribution attribution,
  2. required int offset,

Calculates and returns the full AttributionSpan, which contains the given attribution at the given offset.

For example, imagine spans applied to text like this: "Hello, |world!|". The text between the bars has a "bold" attribution. Invoking this method with the "bold" attribution and an offset of 10 would return an AttributionSpan of "bold" from 7 to 14.


AttributionSpan expandAttributionToSpan({
  required Attribution attribution,
  required int offset,
}) {
  if (!hasAttributionAt(offset, attribution: attribution)) {
    throw Exception(
        'Tried to expand attribution ($attribution) at offset "$offset" but the given attribution does not exist at that offset.');

  // The following methods should be guaranteed to produce non-null
  // values because we already verified that the given attribution
  // exists at the given offset.
  SpanMarker markerBefore = _getStartingMarkerAtOrBefore(offset, attribution: attribution)!;
  SpanMarker markerAfter = _getEndingMarkerAtOrAfter(markerBefore.offset, attribution: attribution)!;

  return AttributionSpan(
    attribution: attribution,
    start: markerBefore.offset,
    end: markerAfter.offset,