addAt method
Pushes back all the spans in other
to index
, and then appends
the other
spans to this AttributedSpans.
The index
must be greater than the offset of the final marker
within this AttributedSpans.
void addAt({
required AttributedSpans other,
required int index,
}) {
if (_markers.isNotEmpty && _markers.last.offset >= index) {
throw Exception(
'Another AttributedSpans can only be appended after the final marker in this AttributedSpans. Final marker: ${_markers.last}');
_log.fine('attributions before pushing them:');
// Push back all the `other` markers to make room for the
// spans we're putting in front of them.
final pushDistance = index;
_log.fine('pushing `other` markers by: $pushDistance');
_log.fine('`other` attributions before pushing them:');
final pushedSpans = other.copy()..pushAttributionsBack(pushDistance);
// Combine `this` and `other` attributions into one list.
final List<SpanMarker> combinedAttributions = List.from(_markers)..addAll(pushedSpans._markers);
_log.fine('combined attributions before merge:');
for (final marker in combinedAttributions) {
_log.fine(' - $marker');
// Clean up the boundary between the two lists of attributions
// by merging compatible attributions that meet at the boundary.
_mergeBackToBackAttributions(combinedAttributions, index);
_log.fine('combined attributions after merge:');
for (final marker in combinedAttributions) {
_log.fine(' - $marker');