Atmotuber class

Atmotuber is a class that wraps all the methods that can be used for interacting with an ATMOTUBE Pro device




atmotubeData AtmotubeData
getter/setter pair
atmotubeDataHist AtmotubeData
getter/setter pair
device ↔ BluetoothDevice?
getter/setter pair
flutterBlue ↔ FlutterBlue
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hatm StreamController<AtmotubeData>
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
satm StreamController<AtmotubeData>
getter/setter pair
shouldStop bool
getter/setter pair
subscription StreamSubscription<Map<String, List<int>>>?
getter/setter pair
subscription2 StreamSubscription<List<int>>?
getter/setter pair


cancelStreamHistory() Future<void>
cancelStreamHistory is a method to stop listening the Atomutber Stream objects
cancelStreamRealTime() Future<void>
cancelStreamRealTime is a method to stop listening the Atomutber Stream objects
dropConnection() Future<void>
dropConnection a method that handles device disconnection action
getAtmotubeService() Future<BluetoothService>
getAtmotubeService a method that handles device ble services
getCharacteristics(BluetoothService service) Future<List<BluetoothCharacteristic>>
getCharacteristics a method that handles device ble characterstics
getData(Map<String, List<int>> mapData) → void
getData A Stream method that handles device real-time data from different type of ble characterstics and write into an AtmotubeData object
getDeviceState() String
getDeviceState a method that handles device connection state
getHist(List<BluetoothCharacteristic> characteristics) → void
getHist A method that handles device history data via UART communication (sending commands via tx channel and listening via rx channel)
getUartAtmotubeService() Future<BluetoothService>
getUartAtmotubeService a method that handles device ble UART services
getValues(List<int> list, List<int> startRanges, List<int> stopRanges) List
getValues a wrapper method that handles device real-time data conversions for specified ranges of the byte list
handleStreams() Future<void>
histwrapper({required Function callback}) Future<void>
histwrapper A wrapper method that handles device history data collection
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
searchAtmotube() Future<BluetoothDevice?>
searchAtmotube a method that handles device connection action
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
wrapper({required Function callback}) Future<void>
wrapper A wrapper method that handles device real-time data collection


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.