at_contacts_flutter library


Screen exposed to see blocked contacts and unblock them
The screen which is exposed from the library for displaying, adding, selecting and deleting Contacts.
This is a custom app bar.
A custom button to use the theme colors and common app functionalities.
This is a custom input field to have common functionalities of the app
A class defined to get dimensions for the screen size displayed, using the proportion of the designed screen size.


SizeUtils on num
A shorthand usage of the functions defined in SizeConfig.


addContact(String atsign, {String? nickName}) Future<bool>
Adds atsign in contact list. If nickName is not null , it wll be set as nick name of the atsign.
blockOrUnblockAtContact(AtContact atContact, bool blockAction) Future<bool>
blocks/unblocks atContact based on boolean blockAction if blockAction is true , atContact will be blocked.
checkForCachedContactDetail(String atSign) → AtContact
deleteContact(String atsign) Future<bool>
deletes the given atsign
disposeContactsControllers() → void
Function call from app to dispose stream controllers used in the package
fetchContactList() Future<List<AtContact>?>
gives list of AtContact
getAtSignDetails(String atSign) Future<AtContact>
Function to fetch the contact details of an atsign
getCachedContactDetail(String atsign) → AtContact?
Function to fetch the contact details of an atsign from cached list
initializeContactsService({dynamic rootDomain = '', dynamic rootPort = 64, bool fetchContacts = true}) Future<void>
Function to initialise contacts Service
markFavContact(AtContact atContact) Future<bool>
marks atContact as favourite.