sharedBy property

String? sharedBy

The 'owner' part of an atProtocol key name. For example if the key is @bob:city.address.my_app@alice then sharedBy is @alice


String? get sharedBy => _sharedBy;
void sharedBy=(String? sharedByAtSign)

The 'owner' part of an atProtocol key name. For example if the key is @bob:city.address.my_app@alice then sharedBy is @alice


set sharedBy(String? sharedByAtSign) {
  if (sharedByAtSign != null &&
      sharedByAtSign.isNotEmpty &&
      (!sharedByAtSign.startsWith('@'))) {
    sharedByAtSign = '@$sharedByAtSign';
  _sharedBy = sharedByAtSign?.toLowerCase();