EnrollmentRequestDecision class

This class serves as the entity responsible for either approving or denying an enrollment request. The enrollment request is received through a notification from the server. The approving app has the authority to either grant or deny the request, with approval resulting in authentication and authorization to the requested namespaces.

To approve the request, the "enrollmentId" and its corresponding "encryptedAPKAMSymmetricKey," received through the notification, must be provided using the "AuthenticationRequestDecisionBuilder."

Upon approval, the encryptedAPKAMSymmetricKey undergoes decryption using the default encryption public key to retrieve the original APKAM Symmetric key. Subsequently, the default encryption key pair and the self-encryption key are encrypted with the APKAM symmetric key and transmitted to the server for the requesting app. The requesting app, then decrypts the encrypted default encryption private key and self encryption key. These keys are used for decryption of shared data and self data respectively..

 To approve an enrollment request

EnrollmentRequestDecision enrollmentRequestDecision =
              enrollmentId: 'dummy-enrollment-id',
              encryptedAPKAMSymmetricKey: 'dummy-encrypted-apkam-symmetric-key'));

If the request is denied, the requester is prevented from logging into the application.

To deny an enrollment request

 EnrollmentRequestDecision enrollmentRequestDecision = EnrollmentRequestDecision.denied('dummy-enrollment-id');

To revoke an enrollment request. Optionally, set "force" parameter to true to revoke the enrollment permission of the current client which defaults to false.


EnrollmentRequestDecision enrollmentRequestDecision = EnrollmentRequestDecision.revoked('enrollment123', force: false);


encryptedAPKAMSymmetricKey String
no setter
enrollmentId String
no setter
enrollOperationEnum → EnrollOperationEnum
no setter
force bool
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

approved(ApprovedRequestDecisionBuilder approvedRequestDecisionBuilder) EnrollmentRequestDecision
To approve the request, the "enrollmentId" and its corresponding "encryptedAPKAMSymmetricKey," received through the notification, must be provided using the "AuthenticationRequestDecisionBuilder."
denied(String enrollmentId) EnrollmentRequestDecision
If the request is denied, the requester application is prevented from authenticating to the atServer.
revoked(String enrollmentId, {bool force = false}) EnrollmentRequestDecision
Revokes an approved enrollment, closing any active connections and making it inactive for future use.