state<St> static method

St state<St>(
  1. BuildContext context, {
  2. bool notify = true,
  3. Object? debug,

Get the state, without a StoreConnector.

Widgets that use this method WILL rebuild whenever the state changes (unless you pass the notify parameter as false).

It's recommended that you define this extension in your own code:

extension BuildContextExtension on BuildContext {
  AppState get state => getState<AppState>();

This will allow you to write:

var state = context.state;


static St state<St>(BuildContext context, {bool notify = true, Object? debug}) {
  if (notify) {
    final _InheritedUntypedRebuilds? provider =

    if (provider == null)
      throw throw _exceptionForWrongStoreType(_typeOf<_InheritedUntypedRebuilds>(), debug: debug);

    St state;
    try {
      state = provider._store.state as St;
    } catch (error) {
      throw _exceptionForWrongStateType(provider._store.state, St);

    // We only turn on rebuilds when this `state` method is used for the first time.
    // This is to make it faster when this method is not used, which is the
    // case if the state is only accessed via StoreConnector.
    _InheritedUntypedRebuilds._isOn = true;

    return state;
  // Get the state without rebuilding when the state later changes.
  else {
    return backdoorInheritedWidget<St>(context, debug: debug).state;