Async Parallel Queue

Library to enqueue async callbacks to be executed in order. You can await for they completion and/or cancel the execution by id.


Callbacks registered will be executed in order. You can chose workers count to run more than one callbacks at once.

import 'package:async_parallel_queue/async_parallel_queue.dart';

void main() {
  final queue = AsyncParallelQueue<int>(
    workers: 1, // amount of callbacks running in parallel
    verbose: true, // enables queue status logs

  queue.registerCallback(1, () { print('foo'); });
  queue.registerCallback(2, () { print('boo');  });
  queue.registerCallback(3, () async {
    await Future.delayed(;

Waiting for completion

You can use registerCallback just as funcion wrapper and await for its result. Note: key is required.

import 'package:async_parallel_queue/async_parallel_queue.dart';

Future<int> dummyHttpRequest() async {
  await Future.delayed(;
  return 42;

void main() async {
  final queue = AsyncParallelQueue();

  final response = await queue.registerCallback(,

  print('The number is $response');

You can use .then to enqueue multiple requests and use they result as well.

import 'package:async_parallel_queue/async_parallel_queue.dart';

Future<String> dummyHttpRequest(String response) async {
  await Future.delayed(;
  return response;

void main() async {
  final queue = AsyncParallelQueue(workers: 1);

  queue.registerCallback<String>(1, () {
    return dummyHttpRequest('foo again');

  queue.registerCallback<String>(2, () {
    return dummyHttpRequest('boo again');

  queue.registerCallback<String>(3, () {
    return dummyHttpRequest('bar again');


You can specify return type. Callback is FutureOr<T>, witch means it can be sync our async.

import 'package:async_parallel_queue/async_parallel_queue.dart';

void main() async {
  final queue = AsyncParallelQueue<int>(
    workers: 1, // amount of callbacks running in parallel
    verbose: true, // enables queue status logs
  var message = '';

  queue.registerCallback<String>(2, () {
    return 'the answer';
  }).then((value) => message = '$message $value');

  queue.registerCallback<String>(3, () async {
    await Future.delayed(;
    return 'is';
  }).then((value) => message = '$message $value');

  await queue.registerCallback<int>(1, () {
    return 42;
  }).then((value) => message = '$message $value');


Cancel callback

You can always cancel a callback in queue. It will unregister the callback from the queue and throw a CallbackCancelledException. You can not stop a callback already running.

import 'package:async_parallel_queue/async_parallel_queue.dart';

Future<String> dummyHttpRequest(String response) async {
  await Future.delayed(;
  return response;

void main() async {
  final queue = AsyncParallelQueue(workers: 1);

  queue.registerCallback<String>(1, () {
    return dummyHttpRequest('foo once more');

  queue.registerCallback<String>(2, () {
    queue.cancelCallback(3); //cancels callback 3
    return dummyHttpRequest('boo once more');

  queue.registerCallback<String>(3, () {
    return dummyHttpRequest('bar once more');
  }).then(print).catchError((error) {

As all callbacks are registered synchronously, you can stop cb 3 inside cb 2.

Beware using the same key

Key is used in this library for prevent a callback to run if it is still on queue. If you try to register a new callback with same key of one callback inside queue, a KeyAlreadyInUseException will be thrown.

void main() {
  void main() async {
  final queue = AsyncParallelQueue(workers: 1);

  queue.registerCallback('same key', () {});
  queue.registerCallback('same key', () {}); // throws KeyAlreadyInUseException

At last you can reuse a key if the function is not on queue or is running. Well, the function leaves the queue to starting running anyway!

void main() async {
  final queue = AsyncParallelQueue(workers: 1);

  queue.registerCallback('same key', () {
    print('foo for the last time');

    queue.registerCallback('same key', () {
      print('boo for the last time');
      queue.registerCallback('same key', () {
        print('bar for the last time');

Why would you reuse a key?! I don't know, but you can.