NonUniformOutlineInputBorder constructor

const NonUniformOutlineInputBorder({
  1. BorderSide borderSide = const BorderSide(),
  2. BorderRadius borderRadius = const BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(4.0)),
  3. bool hideTopSide = false,
  4. bool hideBottomSide = false,
  5. bool hideRightSide = false,
  6. bool hideLeftSide = false,

Creates a rounded rectangle outline border for an InputDecorator.

If the borderSide parameter is BorderSide.none, it will not draw a border. However, it will still define a shape (which you can see if InputDecoration.filled is true).

If an application does not specify a borderSide parameter of value BorderSide.none, the input decorator substitutes its own, using copyWith, based on the current theme and InputDecorator.isFocused.

The radius parameter defaults to corners of 4.0 pixels of circular radius.

See also:


const NonUniformOutlineInputBorder({
  BorderSide borderSide = const BorderSide(),
  this.borderRadius = const BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(4.0)),
  this.hideTopSide = false,
  this.hideBottomSide = false,
  this.hideRightSide = false,
  this.hideLeftSide = false,
}) : super(borderSide: borderSide);