asset_downloader library
- AssetDownloader
- AssetDownloader is the main class of this package. It is used to initialize the package and enqueue explicit download tasks.
- AssetDownloadTask
- A download task is basically a asset which needs to be downloaded.
- AssetMetaData
- AssetMetaData model which is currently being used by the sqflite database for storing the meta data
- AssetsDownloadConfig
- Assets download configuration which can be passed to AssetDownloader.initialize method.
- AssetsDownloadController
- Controller class for the asset downloader. The core business logic resides in the AssetsDownloadController (ADC).
- AssetsDownloadManager
- AssetsDownloadManagerImpl
- AssetsMetaDataRepository
- All the crud operations on the downloads_meta_data table are defined here.
- AssetsMetaDataService
- AssetsMetaDataServiceImpl
- CachedAssetWidget
- CachedAssetWidget is the cornerstone of this package. It is used to display cached assets of any type. It is a stateful widget that takes a URL and a builder function as parameters. The builder function is called when the asset is ready to be displayed. The builder function is called with a File object as parameter. The File object is the cached asset. The File object can be used to display the asset in any way.
- DownloadsMetaDataProvider
- EnqueuedAssetTaskUpdateInfo
- All the updates, status and progress, of a download task are communicated using EnqueuedAssetTaskUpdateInfo data class.
- MediaDownloadTask
- MediaDownloadTask is a download task for media files.
- ZipDownloadTask
- ZipDownloadTask is a download task for zip files.
- AssetTaskStatus
- AssetTaskStatus is the enum for all the possible states of a download task.
= void Function(String event, {Map<
String, dynamic> ? eventProperties})