Askless - Flutter client

:checkered_flag: Português (Portuguese)

Flutter client of Askless framework, which facilitates building realtime servers for JavaScript and Flutter Apps, Askless allows to:

  • :handshake: perform a websocket connection to exchange data that:

    • :vibration_mode: supports streams on the client side in Flutter

    • :computer: supports JavaScript clients: Web and Node.js

    • :arrow_right_hook: it retries to send data automatically in case of connectivity issues between the client and the server

    • :label: handles multiples and identical listen requests from a client as a single one in the server

  • :pencil2: create your own CRUD operations with any database you like (Create, Read, Update and Delete)

  • :no_entry: restrict client access to CRUD operations

  • :mega: notify in real-time clients who are listening for changes in a route, you can choose:

    • :no_pedestrians: only specify clients will receive the data

    • :heavy_check_mark: all clients will receive the data

  • :lock: accept and deny connection attempts

This is the client side in Flutter, click here to access the server side in Node.js.

Getting Started

Alt Text

The "Getting Started" is a example of the Flutter client, an example is executed locally.

1 - First create the server, click here and follow the server instructions in the section "Getting Started"

2 - To use an encrypted connection on a test environment such as this example (ws:// connection instead of wss://) follow these instructions. Do not apply this on a production environment

3 - Install


    sdk: flutter
  # Add this line:
  askless: ^2.0.0

4 - Import the package

import 'package:askless/askless.dart';

5 - Initialize informing the server url with port (default: 3000). On the server side you can access the myAsklessServer.localUrl attribute to discover.

6 - Perform the connection with AsklessClient.instance.connect()


void main() {

7 - Copy and paste this template into build

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Text("Tracking"),
      body: Center(
        child: Column(
          children: <Widget>[
            //Show the status of the tracking in realtime
            // FIRST TODO

            SizedBox(height: 100,),

            //Send data to server with body as text: "I'm waiting"
            // SECOND TODO

8 - Replace FIRST TODO by a widget that listen in realtime a route in the server

        route: 'product/tracking',
        builder: (context,  snapshot) {
                return Container();
            return Text(, style: _textStyle);

Replace SECOND TODO by a button that send data to a route in the server

    child: Text("I'm waiting", style: _textStyle,),
    onPressed: (){
            .create(route: 'product/customerSaid', body: 'I\'m waiting')
            .then((res) => print(res.isSuccess ? 'Success' : res.error!.code));

Project ready! You can run :)

Following these links, you can also check this "Getting Started" complete project of the Flutter client and of the server in Node.js.


Feel free to open a issue about:

  • :grey_question: questions

  • :bulb: suggestions

  • :page_facing_up: documentation improvements

  • :ant: potential bugs



