apsl_ads_flutter_kids library
- Ad
- The base class for all ads.
- AdapterResponseInfo
- Response information for an individual ad network in an ad response.
- AdapterStatus
- An immutable snapshot of a mediation adapter's initialization status.
- AdError
- Error information about why an ad operation failed.
- AdEvent
- AdEvent is used to pass data inside event streams in apsl ads instance You can use this to distinguish between different event types and each event type has a data attached to it.
- AdManagerAdRequest
- Targeting info per the Ad Manager API.
- AdManagerBannerAd
- A banner ad displayed with Google Ad Manager.
- AdManagerBannerAdListener
- A listener for receiving notifications for the lifecycle of an AdManagerBannerAd.
- AdManagerInterstitialAd
- A full-screen interstitial ad for use with Ad Manager.
- AdManagerInterstitialAdLoadCallback
- This class holds callbacks for loading an AdManagerInterstitialAd.
- AdRequest
- Targeting info per the AdMob API.
- AdsIdManager
- AdSize
- AdSize represents the size of a banner ad.
- AdWidget
- Displays an Ad as a Flutter widget.
- AdWithoutView
- An Ad that is overlaid on top of the UI.
- AdWithView
- Base class for mobile Ad that has an in-line view.
- AdWithViewListener
- Shared event callbacks used in Native and Banner ads.
- AnchoredAdaptiveBannerAdSize
- An AdSize with the given width and a Google-optimized height to create a banner ad.
- AppAdIds
- AppEventListener
- Listener for app events.
- AppLifecycleReactor
- Listens for app foreground events and shows app open ads.
- AppOpenAd
- A full-screen app open ad for the Google Mobile Ads Plugin.
- AppOpenAdLoadCallback
- This class holds callbacks for loading an AppOpenAd.
- AppStateEventNotifier
- Notifies changes in app foreground/background.
- ApslAdBase
- ApslAdmobAppOpenAd
- ApslAdmobBannerAd
- ApslAds
- ApslBannerAd
- ApslNativeAd
- ApslSequenceBannerAd
- ApslSequenceNativeAd
- BannerAd
- A banner ad.
- BannerAdListener
- A listener for receiving notifications for the lifecycle of a BannerAd.
- ConsentDebugSettings
- Debug settings to hardcode in test requests.
- ConsentForm
- A rendered form for collecting consent from a user.
- ConsentInformation
- Utility methods for collecting consent from users.
- ConsentRequestParameters
- Parameters sent on updating user consent info.
- FluidAdManagerBannerAd
- An 'AdManagerBannerAd' that has fluid ad size.
- FluidAdSize
- A dynamically sized banner that matches its parent's width and content height.
- FluidAdWidget
- A widget for displaying FluidAdManagerBannerAd.
- FormError
- Error information about why a form operation failed.
T> - Generic parent class for ad load callbacks.
Ad> - Callback events for for full screen ads, such as Rewarded and Interstitial.
- InitializationStatus
- The status of the SDK initialization.
- InlineAdaptiveSize
- A size for inline adaptive banner ads.
- InterstitialAd
- A full-screen interstitial ad for the Google Mobile Ads Plugin.
- InterstitialAdLoadCallback
- This class holds callbacks for loading an InterstitialAd.
- LoadAdError
- Represents errors that occur when loading an ad.
- MaxAdContentRating
- Values for RequestConfiguration.maxAdContentRating.
- MobileAds
- Class contains logic that applies to the Google Mobile Ads SDK as a whole.
- NativeAd
- A NativeAd.
- NativeAdListener
- A listener for receiving notifications for the lifecycle of a NativeAd.
- NativeAdOptions
- Used to configure native ad requests.
- NativeTemplateStyle
- Style options for native templates.
- NativeTemplateTextStyle
- Text style options for native templates.
- RequestConfiguration
- Contains targeting information that can be applied to all ad requests.
- ResponseInfo
- Contains information about the loaded ad or ad request.
- RewardedAd
- An Ad where a user has the option of interacting with in exchange for in-app rewards.
- RewardedAdLoadCallback
- This class holds callbacks for loading a RewardedAd.
- RewardedInterstitialAd
- Rewarded interstitials are full screen ads that reward users and can be shown without a user opt in.
- RewardedInterstitialAdLoadCallback
- This class holds callbacks for loading a RewardedInterstitialAd.
- RewardItem
- Credit information about a reward received from a RewardedAd or RewardedInterstitialAd.
- ServerSideVerificationOptions
- Options for RewardedAd server-side verification callbacks.
- SmartBannerAdSize
- Ad units that render screen-width banner ads on any screen size across different devices in either Orientation.
- TagForChildDirectedTreatment
- Values for RequestConfiguration.tagForChildDirectedTreatment.
- TagForUnderAgeOfConsent
- Values for RequestConfiguration.tagForUnderAgeOfConsent.
- TestAdsIdManager
- VideoOptions
- Options for controlling video playback in supported ad formats.
- AdapterInitializationState
- The initialization state of the mediation adapter.
- AdChoicesPlacement
- Indicates preferred location of AdChoices icon.
- AdEventType
- AdNetwork
- AdUnitType
- AppState
- The app foreground/background state.
- ConsentStatus
- Consent status values.
- DebugGeography
- Debug values for testing geography.
- MediaAspectRatio
- Media aspect ratio for native ads.
- NativeTemplateFontStyle
- Font types for native templates.
- PrecisionType
- Allowed constants for precision type in OnPaidEventCallback.
- TemplateType
- Template types for NativeTemplateStyle.
String providerName) → AdNetwork?
- AdEventCallback = void Function(Ad ad)
- The callback type to handle an event occurring for an Ad.
- AdLoadErrorCallback = void Function(Ad ad, LoadAdError error)
- The callback type to handle an error loading an Ad.
- ApslAdCallback = void Function(AdNetwork adNetwork, AdUnitType adUnitType, Object? data)
- ApslAdEarnedReward = void Function(AdNetwork adNetwork, AdUnitType adUnitType, String? rewardType, num? rewardAmount)
- ApslAdFailedCallback = void Function(AdNetwork adNetwork, AdUnitType adUnitType, Object? data, String errorMessage)
- ApslAdNetworkInitialized = void Function(AdNetwork adNetwork, bool isInitialized, Object? data)
- FullScreenAdLoadErrorCallback = void Function(LoadAdError error)
- A callback type for when an error occurs loading a full screen ad.
Ad> = void Function(Ad ad) - Generic callback type for an event occurring on an Ad.
- OnConsentFormDismissedListener = void Function(FormError? formError)
- Callback to be invoked when a consent form is dismissed.
- OnConsentFormLoadFailureListener = void Function(FormError formError)
- Callback to be invoked when a consent form failed to load.
- OnConsentFormLoadSuccessListener = void Function(ConsentForm consentForm)
- Callback to be invoked when a consent form loads successfully
- OnConsentInfoUpdateFailureListener = void Function(FormError error)
- Callback to be invoked when consent info failed to update.
- OnConsentInfoUpdateSuccessListener = void Function()
- Callback to be invoked when consent info is successfully updated.
- OnFluidAdHeightChangedListener = void Function(FluidAdManagerBannerAd ad, double height)
- The callback type for when a fluid ad's height changes.
- OnPaidEventCallback = void Function(Ad ad, double valueMicros, PrecisionType precision, String currencyCode)
- The callback type for when an ad receives revenue value.
- OnUserEarnedRewardCallback = void Function(AdWithoutView ad, RewardItem reward)
- The callback type for when a user earns a reward.