deleteMasterUserIdRelation static method

Future<BaseResponse> deleteMasterUserIdRelation(
  1. String masterUserId

Removes all the existing relations of a master.

If you want to delete all the relationships related to the masterUserId, you can use deleteMasterUserIdRelation method by giving masterUserId as a parameter.

masterUserId Id of the user has the purchases of his/her own. User id can be retrieved via getUserId method.

Callbacks boolean and GenericError in case of failure.


static Future<BaseResponse> deleteMasterUserIdRelation(
    String masterUserId) async {
  List<Object?>? response = await _channel.invokeMethod(
      'deleteMasterUserIdRelation', {"masterUserId": masterUserId});
  BaseResponse result = new BaseResponse(false, null);
  if (response != null) {
    if (response[0] != null) {
      result = BaseResponse(response[0].toString() == "true", null);
    if (response[1] != null) {
      GenericError error =
      result = BaseResponse(false, error);
    return result;
  return result;