trackCall<T> static method

Future<T?> trackCall<T>({
  1. required String className,
  2. required String methodName,
  3. required FutureOr<T> methodBody(),
  4. dynamic methodArgs,
  5. String? uniqueCallId,

Reports that a method call has started.

Only StandardMessageCodec types are accepted as methodArgs: null, bools, nums, Strings, Uint8Lists, Int32Lists, Int64Lists, Float64Lists, Lists of supported values, Maps from supported values to supported values.

Method might throw Exception.

void main() async {
  final myURL = "";
  final news = await Instrumentation.trackCall(
    className: "MainScreen",
    methodName: "getNews",
    methodArgs: [myURL],
    methodBody: () async {
      final result = await get(myURL);
      return result;


static Future<T?> trackCall<T>({
  required String className,
  required String methodName,
  required FutureOr<T> Function() methodBody,
  dynamic methodArgs,
  String? uniqueCallId,
}) async {
  final callId = uniqueCallId ?? UniqueKey().toString();
  final args = {
    "callId": callId,
    "className": className,
    "methodName": methodName,
    "methodArgs": methodArgs

  try {
    await channel.invokeMethod<void>('beginCall', args);
  } on PlatformException catch (e) {
    throw Exception(e.details);

  FutureOr<T> onSuccess(dynamic result) async {
    final args = {"callId": callId, "result": result};
    await channel.invokeMethod<void>('endCallWithSuccess', args);
    return result;

  Future<T?> onError(dynamic e) async {
    var error = <String, String>{};

    if (e is Error) {
      error["stackTrace"] = e.stackTrace.toString();
      error["message"] = "Error";
    } else {
      error["message"] = e.toString();

    final args = {"callId": callId, "error": error};
    await channel.invokeMethod<void>('endCallWithError', args);
    return null;

  try {
    final callback = methodBody();
    if (callback is Future<T>) {
      final res = await callback;
      return onSuccess(res);
    } else {
      return onSuccess(callback);
  } catch (e) {
    return onError(e);