AxisChartPainter<D extends AxisChartData> class abstract

This class is responsible to draw the grid behind all axis base charts. also we have two useful function getPixelX and getPixelY that used in child classes -> BarChartPainter, LineChartPainter dataList is the currently showing data (it may produced by an animation using lerp function), targetData is the target data, that animation is going to show (if animating)





hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


drawBackground(CanvasWrapper canvasWrapper, PaintHolder<D> holder) → void
This function draws a colored background behind the chart.
drawExtraLines(BuildContext context, CanvasWrapper canvasWrapper, PaintHolder<D> holder) → void
drawGrid(CanvasWrapper canvasWrapper, PaintHolder<D> holder) → void
drawHorizontalLines(BuildContext context, CanvasWrapper canvasWrapper, PaintHolder<D> holder, Size viewSize) → void
drawRangeAnnotation(CanvasWrapper canvasWrapper, PaintHolder<D> holder) → void
drawVerticalLines(BuildContext context, CanvasWrapper canvasWrapper, PaintHolder<D> holder, Size viewSize) → void
getPixelX(double spotX, Size viewSize, PaintHolder<D> holder) double
With this function we can convert our AFlSpot x to the view base axis x . the view 0, 0 is on the top/left, but the spots is bottom/left
getPixelY(double spotY, Size viewSize, PaintHolder<D> holder) double
With this function we can convert our AFlSpot y to the view base axis y.
getTooltipLeft(double dx, double tooltipWidth, FLHorizontalAlignment tooltipHorizontalAlignment, double tooltipHorizontalOffset) double
With this function we can get horizontal position for the tooltip.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
paint(BuildContext context, CanvasWrapper canvasWrapper, PaintHolder<D> holder) → void
Paints AxisChartData into the provided canvas.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.