AnimatedCountdownTimer constructor

const AnimatedCountdownTimer({
  1. Key? key,
  2. int initialCount = 3,
  3. Color textColor = Colors.white,
  4. Color overlayColor = const Color.fromRGBO(0, 0, 0, 0.7),
  5. bool enableDoneText = true,
  6. double doneTextFontSize = 22,
  7. double numFontSize = 22,
  8. String doneText = "GO!",
  9. VoidCallback? onStart,
  10. VoidCallback? onDone,
  11. String fontFamily = "BungeeRegular",

Constructor to create an AnimatedCountdownTimer with various customization options.


const AnimatedCountdownTimer({
  Key? key,
  this.initialCount = 3,
  this.textColor = Colors.white,
  this.overlayColor = const Color.fromRGBO(0, 0, 0, 0.7),
  this.enableDoneText = true,
  this.doneTextFontSize = 22,
  this.numFontSize = 22,
  this.doneText = "GO!",
  this.fontFamily = "BungeeRegular",
}) : super(key: key);