animated_background library
- AnimatedBackground
- A widget that renders an animated background.
- Behaviour
- Base class for behaviours provided to AnimatedBackground
- Bubble
- Holds the information of a bubble used in a BubblesBehaviour.
- BubbleOptions
- Holds the bubbles configuration information for a BubblesBehaviour.
- BubblesBehaviour
- Renders bubbles on an AnimatedBackground.
- ChildFlySpaceBehaviour
- Render a wrap field like SpaceBehaviour but animated the child as a star.
- EmptyBehaviour
- Empty Behaviour that renders nothing on an AnimatedBackground
- Line
- Holds the information of a line used in a RacingLinesBehaviour.
- Particle
- Holds the information of a particle used in a ParticleBehaviour.
- ParticleBehaviour
- The base for behaviours that render particles on an AnimatedBackground.
- ParticleOptions
- Holds the particle configuration information for a ParticleBehaviour.
- RacingLinesBehaviour
- Renders moving lines on an AnimatedBackground.
- RandomParticleBehaviour
- Renders particles that move in a predetermined direction on the AnimatedBackground.
- Rectangle
- Holds the information of a rectangle used in a RectanglesBehaviour.
- RectanglesBehaviour
- Renders rectangles on an AnimatedBackground
- RenderAnimatedBackground
- An animated background in the render tree.
- SpaceBehaviour
- Renders a warp field on a AnimatedBackground.
- Star
- Holds the information of a star used in a SpaceBehaviour.
- LineDirection
- The direction in which the lines should move