A Flutter camera plugin that detects face in real-time.
First, add anhdev99_face_camera
as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
anhdev99_face_camera: ^<latest-version>
- Minimum iOS Deployment Target: 11.0
- Follow this link and setup
ML Kit
this is required foranhdev99_face_camera
to function properly oniOS
Add two rows to the ios/Runner/Info.plist:
- one with the key
Privacy - Camera Usage Description
and a usage description. - and one with the key
Privacy - Microphone Usage Description
and a usage description.
If editing Info.plist
as text, add:
<string>your usage description here</string>
<string>your usage description here</string>
- Change the minimum Android sdk version to 21 (or higher) in your
minSdkVersion 21
- The first step is to initialize
void main() async{
WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized(); //Add this
await FaceCamera.initialize(); //Add this
runApp(const MyApp());
- Then render the component in your application setting the onCapture callback.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
body: SmartFaceCamera(
autoCapture: true,
defaultCameraLens: CameraLens.front,
message: 'Center your face in the square',
onCapture: (File? image){
Here is a list of properties available to customize your widget:
Name | Type | Description |
onCapture | Function(File?) | callback invoked when camera captured image |
onFaceDetected | Function(DetectedFace?) | callback invoked when camera detects face |
imageResolution | ImageResolution | used this to set image resolution |
defaultCameraLens | CameraLens | used this to set initial camera lens direction |
defaultFlashMode | CameraFlashMode | used this to set initial flash mode |
enableAudio | bool | set false to disable capture sound |
autoCapture | bool | set true to capture image on face detected |
showControls | bool | set false to hide all controls |
showCaptureControl | bool | set false to hide capture control icon |
showFlashControl | bool | set false to hide flash control control icon |
showCameraLensControl | bool | set false to hide camera lens control icon |
message | String | use this pass a message above the camera |
messageStyle | TextStyle | style applied to the message widget |
orientation | CameraOrientation | use this to lock camera orientation |
captureControlIcon | Widget | use this to render a custom widget for capture control |
lensControlIcon | Widget | use this to render a custom widget for camera lens control |
flashControlBuilder | FlashControlBuilder | use this to build custom widgets for flash control based on camera flash mode |
messageBuilder | MessageBuilder | use this to build custom messages based on face position |
indicatorShape | IndicatorShape | use this to change the shape of the face indicator |
indicatorAssetImage | String | use this to pass an asset image when IndicatorShape is set to image |
indicatorBuilder | IndicatorBuilder | use this to build custom widgets for the face indicator |
Contributions of any kind are more than welcome! Feel free to fork and improve anhdev99_face_camera
in any way you want, make a pull request, or open an issue.
Support the Library
You can support the library by liking it on pub, staring in on Github and reporting any bugs you encounter.