angel3_test library


An angel_client that sends mock requests to a server, rather than actual HTTP transactions.


notHttpResponse String
getter/setter pair


connectTo(Angel app, {Map? initialSession, bool autoDecodeGzip = true, bool useZone = false}) Future<TestClient>
Shorthand for bootstrapping a TestClient.
hasBody([dynamic value]) → Matcher
Expects a response to have the given body.
hasContentType(dynamic contentType) → Matcher
Expects a response to have the given content type, whether a String or ContentType.
hasHeader(String key, [dynamic value]) → Matcher
Expects a response to have a header named key which contains value. value can be a String, or a List of Strings.
hasStatus(int status) → Matcher
Expects a response to have the given status code.
hasValidBody(Validator validator) → Matcher
Expects a response to have a JSON body that is a Map and satisfies the given validator schema.
isAngelHttpException({String? message, int? statusCode, Iterable<String> errors = const []}) → Matcher
Expects a response to be a JSON representation of an AngelHttpException.
isJson(dynamic value) → Matcher
Expects a given response, when parsed as JSON, to equal a desired value.