RethinkService class

Queries a single RethinkDB table or query.


RethinkService(Connection connection, RqlQuery table, {bool allowRemoveAll = false, bool allowQuery = true, bool debug = false, bool listenForChanges = true})


allowQuery bool
If set to true, parameters in req.query are applied to the database query.
allowRemoveAll bool
If set to true, clients can remove all items by passing a null id to remove.
app ↔ Angel
getter/setter pairinherited
bootstrappers List<RequestHandler>
Handlers that must run to ensure this service's functionality.
no setterinherited
configuration Map
A Map of application-specific data that can be accessed.
connection → Connection
container → Container
A Container used to inject dependencies.
no setterinherited
debug bool
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
isAppActive bool
no setterinherited
listenForChanges bool
If set to true, then a HookedService mounted over this instance will fire events when RethinkDB pushes events.
middleware List<RequestHandler>
no setterinherited
mounted Map<Pattern, Router<RequestHandler>>
no setterinherited
onService Stream<Service>
Fired whenever a service is added to this instance.
no setterinherited
readData FutureOr<Map<String, dynamic>> Function(RequestContext, ResponseContext)?
A Function that reads the request body and converts it into Data.
no setterinherited
routes List<Route<RequestHandler>>
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
services Map<Pattern, Service>
A set of Service objects that have been mapped into routes.
no setterinherited
table → RqlQuery
Doesn't actually have to be a table, just a RethinkDB query.


addRoute(String method, String path, RequestHandler handler, {Iterable<RequestHandler> middleware = const {}}) → Route<RequestHandler>
Adds a route that responds to the given path for requests with the given method (case-insensitive). Provide '*' as the method to respond to all methods.
addRoutes([Service? service]) → void
Generates RESTful routes pointing to this class's methods.
all(String path, RequestHandler handler, {Iterable<RequestHandler> middleware = const []}) → Route<RequestHandler>
Adds a route that responds to any request matching the given path.
buildQuery(RqlQuery initialQuery, Map params) → RqlQuery
chain(Iterable<RequestHandler> middleware) → ChainedRouter<RequestHandler>
Prepends the given middleware to any routes created by the resulting router.
clone() → Router<RequestHandler>
Returns a Router with a duplicated version of this tree.
close() → void
Closes this service, including any database connections or stream controllers.
create(Map data, [Map? params]) Future<Map<String, dynamic>>
Creates a resource.
delete(String path, RequestHandler handler, {Iterable<RequestHandler> middleware = const []}) → Route<RequestHandler>
Adds a route that responds to a DELETE request.
dumpTree({dynamic callback(String tree)?, String header = 'Dumping route tree:', String tab = ' '}) → void
Creates a visual representation of the route hierarchy and passes it to a callback. If none is provided, print is called.
enableCache() → void
Enables the use of a cache to eliminate the overhead of consecutive resolutions of the same path.
findHookedService<T extends Service>(Pattern path) → HookedService<dynamic, dynamic, T>?
Shorthand for finding a HookedService in a statically-typed manner.
findOne([Map<String, dynamic>? params, String errorMessage = 'No record was found matching the given query.']) Future<Map<String, dynamic>>
Retrieves the first object from the result of calling index with the given params.
findService<T extends Service>(Pattern path) → T?
Retrieves the service assigned to the given path.
findServiceOf<Id, Data>(Pattern path) → Service<Id, Data>?
Shorthand for finding a Service in a statically-typed manner.
get(String path, RequestHandler handler, {Iterable<RequestHandler> middleware = const []}) → Route<RequestHandler>
Adds a route that responds to a GET request.
group(String path, void callback(Router<RequestHandler> router), {Iterable<RequestHandler> middleware = const [], String name = ''}) → SymlinkRoute<RequestHandler>
Creates a route, and allows you to add child routes to it via a Router instance.
groupAsync(String path, FutureOr<void> callback(Router<RequestHandler> router), {Iterable<RequestHandler> middleware = const [], String name = ''}) Future<SymlinkRoute<RequestHandler>>
Asynchronous equivalent of group.
Adds a route that responds to a HEAD request.
index([Map? params]) Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>>
Retrieves all resources.
listenToQuery(RqlQuery query, HookedService<dynamic, dynamic, Service> hookedService) Future
map<U>(U encoder(Map<String, dynamic>), Map<String, dynamic> decoder(U), {FutureOr<U> readData(RequestContext, ResponseContext)?}) → Service<String, U>
Creates an AnonymousService that wraps over this one, and maps input and output using two converter functions.
modify(String id, Map data, [Map? params]) Future<Map<String, dynamic>>
Modifies a resource.
mount(String path, Router<RequestHandler> router) → SymlinkRoute<RequestHandler>
Incorporates another Router's routes into this one's.
Generates a URI string based on the given input. Handy when you have named routes.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
onHooked(HookedService<dynamic, dynamic, Service> hookedService) → void
Invoked when this service is wrapped within a HookedService.
options(String path, RequestHandler handler, {Iterable<RequestHandler> middleware = const {}}) → Route<RequestHandler>
Adds a route that responds to a OPTIONS request.
patch(String path, RequestHandler handler, {Iterable<RequestHandler> middleware = const []}) → Route<RequestHandler>
Adds a route that responds to a PATCH request.
post(String path, RequestHandler handler, {Iterable<RequestHandler> middleware = const []}) → Route<RequestHandler>
Adds a route that responds to a POST request.
put(String path, RequestHandler handler, {Iterable<RequestHandler> middleware = const []}) → Route
Adds a route that responds to a PUT request.
read(String id, [Map? params]) Future<Map<String, dynamic>>
Retrieves the desired resource.
readMany(List<String> ids, [Map<String, dynamic>? params]) Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>>
Reads multiple resources at once.
remove(String? id, [Map? params]) Future<Map<String, dynamic>>
Removes the given resource.
resolve(String absolute, String relative, List<RoutingResult<RequestHandler?>> out, {String method = 'GET', bool strip = true}) bool
Finds the first Route that matches the given path, with the given method.
resolveAbsolute(String path, {String method = 'GET', bool strip = true}) Iterable<RoutingResult<RequestHandler>>
Returns the result of resolve with path passed as both absolute and relative.
resolveAll(String absolute, String relative, {String method = 'GET', bool strip = true}) Iterable<RoutingResult<RequestHandler>>
Finds every possible Route that matches the given path, with the given method.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
update(String id, Map data, [Map? params]) Future<Map<String, dynamic>>
Overwrites a resource.
use<Id, Data, T extends Service<Id, Data>>(String path, T service) → HookedService<Id, Data, T>
Mounts a service at the given path.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.