isVideoSnapshotSupported method

Future<bool> isVideoSnapshotSupported()

If video snapshot is supported.

That is, applications can call Camera.takePicture during recording. Applications do not need to call Camera.startPreview after taking a picture. The preview will be still active. Other than that, taking a picture during recording is identical to taking a picture normally. All settings and methods related to Camera.takePicture work identically. Ex: getPictureSize, getSupportedPictureSizes, setJpegQuality, setRotation, and etc. The picture will have an EXIF header. flashModeAuto and flashModeOn also still work, but the video will record the flash.

Applications can set shutter callback as null to avoid the shutter sound. It is also recommended to set raw picture and post view callbacks to null to avoid the interrupt of preview display.

Field-of-view of the recorded video may be different from that of the captured pictures. The maximum size of a video snapshot may be smaller than that for regular still captures. If the current picture size is set higher than can be supported by video snapshot, the picture will be captured at the maximum supported size instead.


Future<bool> isVideoSnapshotSupported() async {
  return await _channel.$isVideoSnapshotSupported(this) as bool;