variableDeclarationList2 abstract method

VariableDeclarationList variableDeclarationList2({
  1. Comment? comment,
  2. List<Annotation>? metadata,
  3. Token? lateKeyword,
  4. Token? keyword,
  5. TypeAnnotation? type,
  6. required List<VariableDeclaration> variables,

Returns a newly created variable declaration list. Either or both of the comment and metadata can be null if the variable list does not have the corresponding attribute. The keyword can be null if a type was specified. The type must be null if the keyword is 'var'.


VariableDeclarationList variableDeclarationList2(
    {Comment? comment,
    List<Annotation>? metadata,
    Token? lateKeyword,
    Token? keyword,
    TypeAnnotation? type,
    required List<VariableDeclaration> variables});