submitMessage method

Future<APIResponse<MessageInfo>> submitMessage(
  1. String queueNameOrId,
  2. Map<String, dynamic> message, [
  3. int? delay

Submits a message to the specified message queue for asychronous processing. After the message is submitted, the routed service defined in your message queue configuration is invoked. This routed service processes the input message and performs necessary tasks defined in its service flow.

The structure of the message (e.g., key-value pairs) is defined by the Start Node of your queue service.

If the client library key is set to enforce session, an active user session is required (e.g., user needs to be logged in) to call this method.

queueNameOrId The name or id of the message queue.

message The message payload (JSON object) that will be submitted to the message queue.

delay The number of seconds to delay the messages in queue before dispacthing them to their consuming service

If successful, returns information about the submitted message. You can use messageId to check the processing status of your message by calling getMessageStatus method. In case of an errors, returns the errors that occurred.


Future<APIResponse<MessageInfo>> submitMessage(
    String queueNameOrId, Map<String, dynamic> message,
    [int? delay]) async {
  var res =
      await<Map<String, dynamic>>('/_api/rest/v1/queue', body: {
    'queueNameOrId': queueNameOrId,
    'message': message,
    if (delay != null) 'delay': delay
  return APIResponse(
      errors: res.errors,
      data: != null ? MessageInfo.fromJson(!) : null);