alt_bloc library


Business Logic Component (BLoC).
BlocBuilder<B extends Bloc, S>
Widget that accept Bloc of type B and subscribes on states stream of type S.
BlocConsumer<B extends Bloc, S>
Widget that accept Bloc of type B and subscribes on states stream of type S.
BlocProvider<B extends Bloc>
Widget that responsible to create the Bloc with help of create function. Accepts any Widget as child and provides the ability for child to obtain the Bloc.
Provider<B extends Bloc>
InheritedWidget that encapsulated by BlocProvider and allow BlocProvider.child widgets tree to obtain the Bloc object.
The class that contains all information about navigation.
RouteListener<B extends Bloc>
Widget that subscribes on Bloc.navigationStream, listen for navigation actions and handle them. If bloc was not provided Provider.of will be used by default.


BlocRouter<Result> = Future<Result> Function(BuildContext context, String? name, dynamic args)
Signature of function that use to listen for navigation events and return navigation result.
BlocWidgetBuilder<S> = Widget Function(BuildContext context, S state)
Signature of function that use to build and return Widget depending on state.
Consumer<T> = void Function(T state)
Precondition<S> = bool Function(S previousState, S newState)
Signature of predicate function that use to compare states of Bloc.
ResultConsumer<T> = void Function(Future<T>?)
Signature of callbacks that use to return navigation result to the Bloc.
UpdateShouldNotify<T> = bool Function(T previous, T current)
Signature of predicate function that use to compare Bloc objects.

Exceptions / Errors
